Dieses Produkt schädigt Ihre Gesundheit und macht stark abhängig.Ce produit nuit à votre santé et crée une forte dépendance.Questo prodotto nuoce alla tua salute e provoca un’elevata dipendenza.


Please confirm you're over 18 before entering this site*

*18+ only. This product contains nicotine and is addictive.

For adult nicotine or tobacco consumers only.

How to maintain your nicotine pouch?

How to maintain your nicotine pouch?
a man with a VELO nicotine pouch in his mouth

How to maintain your nicotine pouch?

VELO nicotine pouches are best enjoyed fresh. Keeping and storing your VELO nicotine pouches correctly means you can get the most out of your nicotine pouches and their intense flavour! Learn how to keep VELO pouches in top condition here.

How long do nicotine pouches last?

When stored properly, nicotine pouches can have a relatively long shelf life. VELO nicotine pouches last around a year from when they’re made to when they expire. All our products have manufacture dates clearly labelled, so you never need to compromise on your VELO experience.

How you store your VELO pouches matters! We recommend keeping them in their original tin, stored in a dry and cool place, to ensure the quality lasts.

How do you keep VELO nicotine pouches fresh once opened?

Knowing how to store your VELO pouches means keeping them fresher for longer. Exposing your pouches to high temperatures or damp conditions can compromise their quality. So, how do you keep nicotine pouches fresh?

Keep nicotine pouches away from heat and damp

Store VELO nicotine pouches away from direct sunlight, heat and moist conditions. Heat and high temperatures can affect the nicotine, flavours and moisture levels inside the pouches, which should be maintained for the best VELO experience.

Store pouches in their original packaging

VELO tins are perfect for storing nicotine pouches because we designed them that way! Keep your unused pouches safely stored in their original packaging, taking out one at a time when you want to use one. Make sure the lid is tightly fastened after each use.

Consider the fridge to prolong freshness

Wondering where to store your VELO pouches at home? If you want to keep your VELO nicotine pouches for a long time, the fridge is a perfect spot. In the fridge, you keep them cool and shaded, whatever the weather.

Can you reuse nicotine pouches?

No, reusing VELO pouches isn’t recommended. Nicotine pouches lose most of their flavour and nicotine after 30 minutes. After this time, take it out and bin it. Get more information about reusing nicotine pouches in this dedicated article.

Explore VELO nicotine pouches

Now you have all the information you need about storing and maintaining nicotine pouches to enjoy the best VELO experience!

Interested in trying nicotine pouches? Discover VELO nicotine pouches in different strengths and flavours. If you’re unsure which nicotine pouch is best for you, read our guide for help navigating your options.

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